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operation military pets

Operation Military Pets - Last month, SPCA International celebrated the milestone of 2,000 Operation Military Pet Grants! It's very exciting because each of those awards represents a family that is still in the midst of moving on to their next mission.

We hear time and time again from military families how important this program is. They say that sending pets at high prices has put them in dire straits. Many families face thousands of dollars to transport their furry family members to their next duty station. They often consider running credit cards, but others simply cannot consider relocating their pets.

Operation Military Pets

Operation Military Pets

A military family moving from Hawaii to the East Coast thought they would find their beloved yellow labs until they ran into thousands of dollars in shipping costs. They moved earlier than expected and were financially drained from the high cost of living in Hawaii.

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Their labs, Thor and Loki, aren't related by blood, but they act like brothers. The family adopted Thor through a rescue group when he was a year old, and later rescued Loki as a puppy from a family that could no longer care for their child due to severe allergies.

After five years with Thor and two with Loki, they were determined to keep the Labs in their family. This is what they told us in their application, “They are our children's companions, in every room with them, sleeping with them at night. They are dear people, and we would be lost if we parted with them. I will not allow that to happen. I'll find a way."

Covid-19 flight curtailments and summer heatwaves have increased shipping costs for both of these babies. Fortunately, they have arrived at their new home with their loving family.

Through Operation Military Pets, SPCA International will continue to ease the burden on military families who have made so many sacrifices for our country. Thank you to everyone who donates to SPCA International programs to support veterans and their pets. Learn more about Operation Military Pets here. A perfect storm of factors — closed borders, fewer international flights, higher air freight costs — have come together during the coronavirus pandemic that has rocked the world on all fours.

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Few international high-flyers have reunited with their pets, like this group of American and Canadian expats who chartered a private jet for their pets in China. But many expats find their pets stranded abroad for months at a time.

Fortunately, for the dozens of service members stationed in Erbil, Iraq, who were separated from their furry companions in March, the Society for the Prevention and Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) International is used to working in difficult situations.

Nearly 50 cats and dogs were rescued from Erbil, Iraq this August and returned to their U.S. homes. ... [+] Military service member in the United States, thanks to the SPCA International program, Operation Baghdad Pups: Around the World.

Operation Military Pets

The international nonprofit organization runs Operation Baghdad Pups: WorldWide, a program designed to reunite American servicemen and women with the animals they befriended during deployment. Over the past 12 years, they have successfully brought over 1,000 animals to the United States.

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For servicemen and women stationed in the Middle East in March, the prospect of reuniting with their pets looks bleak. With all cargo flights — the easiest way to ship animals during Covid-19 — canceled from Iraq, executive director Meredith Ion knew the international animal nonprofit would face its most difficult situation to date.

Along with more than 40 furry friends, SPCA International from Erbil, Iraq, new ... [+] John F. York of York. A plane was chartered to Kennedy Airport, where all the animals were returned to their American servicemen and women.

As part of their Operation Baghdad Pups program, the SPCA is fostering 47 dogs and cats in Erbil in March 2020, scheduled for repatriation to the United States.

"At a time when the whole world thought it would be a few weeks or a month before normal travel resumed," Ayan recalled. As managing director of SPCA International, Ian has years of experience in international animal transport and thought he had seen it all, including donkey transport, until the pandemic hit.

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Explaining that the animals are neither owned by the military nor officially sanctioned, Ayan said SPCA International continues to house pets while awaiting transport options from Iraq. Most of their owners are already in the US or in new deployments.

"We made a conscious decision not to close our project, which would have been easier," Ayan said. "It's a matter of life or death [for the animals]."

Even if there is no epidemic, it is difficult to travel abroad with animals. Dogs cannot fly ... [+] The same duration as humans and come with many visa restrictions.

Operation Military Pets

Iraqi airspace reopened in August. But there are still no cargo shipping options from Erbil. Normally, SPCA International asks volunteers to fly with puppies, but in the age of Covid-19, that's nearly impossible. Even if they manage to find a volunteer, the group faces major restrictions on routes, as there are generally fewer options to fly from the Middle East to the US due to reduced frequency of flights around the world.

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"Animals travel with more restrictions," Ayan said. "They can't stay in their boxes for a certain amount of time."

Explaining that they try to limit each leg of the flight to ten hours or less, on many long-haul flights from the Middle East, the popular Dubai-New York route takes around 13 hours. The SPCA has also had to navigate rapidly changing aviation rules and individual country regulations, requiring additional documentation and animal checks to fly within the EU.

Keeping animals abroad during the Covid-19 period requires institutional gymnastics. Every month, SPCA International spends too much money on animal care, and America still has no way to deliver the precious commodity.

By August, SPCA International had exhausted their options for more than 40 military pets ... [+] Erbil, Iraq. When executive director Meredith Ion crunched the numbers, she realized that a private jet charter was the best way to reunite dogs and cats with their owners.

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Then Ayan had his lightbulb moment. He realized that if they chartered a private jet and took out all the normal seats to accommodate the cages, the cost of a private plane would be about the same as flying each animal individually. Must fly in business immediately.

In partnership with the Monarch Air team, SPCA International transported more than 40 dogs and cats from Erbil, Iraq to ... [+] the United States to reunite with their military servicemen and women owners.

The SPCA led the mission in August, along with the Puppy Rescue Mission, Pet Rescue Pilots, JFK's The Ark Work and private jet charter Monarch Air. Using a private jet, they can refuel in Edinburgh, Scotland, turning a 20-hour trip into 13 hours.

Operation Military Pets

SPCA International's August rescue mission through Operation Baghdad Pups would not have been possible without the work of partners like [+] JFK's The Ark, pictured here.

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Upon arrival, US Customs and Border Protection, the Centers for Disease Control and the Port Authority of New York identified John F. They met their plane on the tarmac at Kennedy International Airport. Once they are cleared of immigration, the SPCA sends pets across the United States to be reunited with their owners.

Describing the event as "organized chaos", Ayan said that after Covid-19 closed global borders, chartering a private plane for the mission was the only way to actually repatriate.

Before Covid-19, the average cost of repatriating an animal for Operation Baghdad Pups would have been $4,125, compared to about $2,500 for transportation. Once the pandemic hit in March, the cost of transporting each animal skyrocketed because they couldn't ship the pets back to the United States. Because commercial flights aren't frequent, the team crunched the numbers and found that it would cost the same to fly all the animals on a private jet instead of slowly transporting them two at a time to the United States. In total, the SPCA estimates their super mission cost about $8,315.

With their global repatriation programs for the US military, the SPCA hopes to reduce the impact on local animal shelters around the world.

File:u.s. Marine Pets Dog In Southern Marjah.jpg

Describing the project as their "honour", Ayan said the project was the SPCA's way of supporting the troops. Explaining that Operation Baghdad Pups is "not just rescuing animals," Ayan said, "These animals have enlisted people in the military at the hardest times of their lives. They're in a war zone."

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