Longest Gun Name - The long rifle, also known as the long rifle, Ktucky rifle, Pennsylvania rifle, or American long rifle, a muzzle loading gun used for hunting and war, was one of the first guns to be used.

The American gun featured a long barrel with a small barrel, which was not common in European guns of the time.

Longest Gun Name

Longest Gun Name

The long gun is the first example of a gun that used spiral grooves in the bore, which caused the projectile, usually a round guide ball in early guns, to rotate through its center of travel. This increased the stability of their method and improved accuracy over modern smoothbore muskets, which were cheaper and more common. Firearms were first used in major battles in the American colonies in the eighth century during the French and Indian Wars, and later the American Revolution, with increased use in the War of 1812, the Texan Revolution and the American Civil War.

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The main disadvantages of muzzleloading rifles compared to tecks ​​were the high cost, slow loading times due to the use of a stuck guide ball, and the resulting damage to the bore after prolonged use, which would eventually load and become a weapon. useless until they are cleansed. The introduction of the Minié ball in 1847 corrected the technical disadvantage and allowed the rifle to replace the musket.

The long gun was popularized by German shooters who immigrated to America, bringing with them the art of shooting from where it came from. The accuracy achieved by the long gun made it an ideal tool for hunting wild animals for food.

Origin [edit] From a flat bar of mild steel, the arm is shaped into a gun barrel; hard boring and breaking with hard tools; given with a stick of maple tree in the nearby forest; and equipped with a lock hammer to make a hatch; an unknown blacksmith, in a shop long ago, created a gun that changed the entire course of world history; made deposit processing possible; and finally we freed our country from other countries. Light on the heavy; grace in the line; economy in the use of flour and lead; to be completely precise; distinctly American; it jumped to instant popularity; and for a hundred years the model varied little, but never much.- Captain John G. W. Dillin, The Ktucky Rifle[2]

The long gun was invented on the American frontier in southeastern Pennsylvania, in the early 1700s. It continued to be produced professionally and technically until it fell out of fashion in the 19th century. The long gun was the product of German gunners who moved to new settlements in southeastern Pennsylvania in the early 17th century, and later in Virginia and other places, and created the old Jäger (anglicized Jaeger) rifles that were used for hunting in Germany in the 17th and early. 18th century.

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Strong pockets of long gun use and production remained in the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio and North Carolina well into the 20th century as a viable and effective firearm for those rural parts of the nation. Long guns could be made by hand and hand tools, in the frontier.

Initially, the long gun of choice on the frontier was the smoothbore musket, or commercial gun, built in factories in England and France and shipped to the colonies for purchase. Gradually, long guns became popular because of their effective length. While the smoothbore musket had an effective range of less than 100 yards, the rifle could hit a human target at a range of 200 yards or more. The cost of this was that the long gun took longer to reload than the 20 seconds of the musket.

In Pennsylvania the first recorded blacksmiths were Robert Baker and Martin Meylins, father and son.

Longest Gun Name

Robert Baker formed a partnership with his son Caleb, and on August 15, 1719, built a sawmill on Pequea Creek. In the tax records of Berks County, Pennsylvania, there were several gunsmiths trading along the banks of Wyomissing Creek.

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Martin Meylin's gunshop was built in 1719, and it was here that Mnonite gunsmiths of Swiss-German heritage made some of the first, and possibly the first, Pennsylvania Rifles.

No gun signed by Martin Meylin has been found; although two are attributed to him, one was found in the Lancaster Historical Society as a European musket of a later period, and the other dated 1705 is a forgery, as the Meylins arrived in America in 1710. The Martin Meylin Gunshop still stands today in Willow Street, Pennsylvania, on the Long Rifle Road. An archaeological dig conducted in 2005 by the University of Millersville around the so-called Meylin gunshop found thousands of artifacts, but only artifacts, with no evidence of gun manufacture.

The Lancaster County Historical Society has an original Pennsylvania Long Rifle believed to have been shot by Meylin that was passed down through the family seven times, which was donated to the society in the mid 20's. It was examined and the barrel removed during the Lancaster Long Rifle Exhibit at the Landis Valley Farm Museum, Lancaster, Pennsylvania in 2005. The barrel was found to be European, and the barrel was made later than 1710-1750. The initials on the barrel, "MM", were found to have been added later than any part of the gun, so they could not have been made by Martin Meylin.

Wrote that Martin Meylin's role as one of the first gunners in Lancaster is unclear. The argument is that the will of Martin Meylin Sr. he doesn't talk about the gun being fired, while Martin Meylin Jr's passion is full of it, so Meylin's reference to the gun is better placed on the son. In any case, no gun has been found that has been attributed to Meylin.

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There is evidence that the first high-quality rifles were owned by a rifleman named Jacob Dickert, who moved with his family from Germany to Berks County, Pennsylvania in 1740. The name 'Dickert Rifle' was considered a 'brand name' and the name 'Ktucky rifle' was not coined until later. later in history (until the 1820s) and became the "nickname" for this gun. This is because Dickert made guns for the Continental Army, and had a contract in 1792 to supply guns to the US Army.

This gun is sometimes referred to as a "Deckard/Deckhard" gun because Jacob Dickert's descendants used this variation as evidenced by cuss documts, marriage and death certificates. Almost all of Jacob Dickert's descendants go by the name "Deckard", and most live in Indiana and Missouri.

Among the gunsmiths listed are Adam Haymaker, who had a successful trade in the northern Shandoah Valley of Virginia, the Moravian gun shops at Christian's Spring in Pennsylvania, John Frederick Klette of Stevesburg, Virginia,

Longest Gun Name

All three areas were busy and became gunsmithing centers by the 1750s. Another famous gunsmith was Isaac Haines of the Lancaster school, known for the Rococo woodwork decoration on his guns, who was charged as a gunsmith in Lampeter Twp., Lancaster Co., from 1772 to 1792.

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The Great Wagon Road was a busy frontier, and gun shops followed this same route from eastern Pennsylvania down the Shandoah Valley, flowing into Cumberland Gap in Kentucky and the Yadkin (Salem) River in North Carolina.

The inhabitants of West Virginia (Ktucky), Tennessee, and North Carolina quickly gained a reputation for fierce independence and the symbol of the gun as a way of life, enhanced by the success of firearms in the American Revolution, especially Morgan's Riflem, which 't. it was important in the Battle of Saratoga and Cow, as well as the War of 1812. In that battle the long gun got the nickname "Ktucky Rifle", after the famous song "The Hunters of Ktucky", about Andrew Jackson and his victory in. Battle of New Orleans.

The reason for the long barrel characteristics of the long gun is the fact that it was transferred to a new country by German immigrant guns. German gunners working in America were very familiar with German guns, which rarely had barrels longer than 30 inches, and were large guns that used a lot of lead. Hunters in the vast forests of the sparsely populated new world had to leave with their belongings. The smaller form required less heavy lead for the gun, reducing the weight they had to carry; the longer barrel gave the black powder more time to burn, increasing the rifle's speed and accuracy. The rule of thumb used by some shooters was that the gun should not be longer than the height of the customer's chin due to the sight of the muzzle when loading. The long barrel also provided good visibility. By the 1750s it was common to see frontiersmen carrying a new and different type of gun.

In 1792, the US Army began converting to long guns, shortening the length of the bolt to 42 inches in its contract gun of 1792. The Lewis and Clark expedition did ev

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