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aircraft rotor

Aircraft Rotor - Unlike fixed-wing aircraft, the main air of a helicopter is an assembly of blades (rotor) mounted on its fuselage on a mast (mast) connected to the engine and the aircraft. Compared to airplanes, the tail of a helicopter is relatively long and the rudder is small; the tail is equipped with a small antitorque rotor (tail rotor). The landing gear sometimes consists of a pair of skids rather than wheel assemblies.

The fact that the helicopter gets its power to lift by rotating the airfoil (the rotor) greatly interferes with the things that affect its journey, because not only the rotor rotates but it also moves. orientation or vertical positioning of the helicopter itself. Unlike conventional airplanes, helicopter rotor airfoils are usually parallel. The line of the rotor, like the line of the wing, is a horizontal line drawn from the leading edge to the trailing edge of the airfoil.

Aircraft Rotor

Aircraft Rotor

The relative wind is the direction of the wind relative to the airfoil. In an airplane, the flight path of the wing is constant relative to its forward flight; in a helicopter, the rotor's flight path goes forward (to the nose of the helicopter) and then back (to the tail of the helicopter) during its circular motion. The reference wind is usually assumed to be in a direction parallel to and opposite to the flight path. When considering helicopter flight, the relative wind can be affected by the rotation of the blades, the movement of the helicopter, the pitch of the rotor blades, and the speed and direction of the wind. In aviation, the relative wind is a combination of the rotation of the rotor blade and the movement of the helicopter.

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As a component, the rotor has a maximum pitch, which is the height between the horizontal plane of rotation of the rotor disc and the linear axis of the airfoil. The pilot uses the steering wheel in combination with the rotary control (see below) to vary the pitch angle. In a fixed-wing aircraft, the angle of attack (the angle of the wing relative to the relative wind) is important in determining lift. The same is true in a helicopter, where the angle of attack is the angle where the wind direction meets the line of the rotor blade.

The angle of attack and the height of the pitch are two distinct conditions. Changing the height of the shaft of the rotor changes its direction of attack and therefore lift. The higher the height (up to the level of the fence) the higher the lift; the lower the pitch the less. Each blade of the rotor is set individually at their tip.

The speed of the Rotor also controls the lift - the higher the revolutions per minute (rpm), the higher the lift. However, the pilot usually tries to keep the rotor rpm constant and change the lift force by changing the angle of attack.

As with fixed-wing aircraft, air pressure (the result of air temperature, humidity and pressure) affects the performance of the helicopter. The higher the weight, the greater the lift; the lower the pressure, the less lift will be produced. As with fixed-wing aircraft, a change in lift also results in a change in drag. When the lift is increased by increasing the height of the pitch and therefore the angle of attack, drag increases and the rotor rpm decreases. Additional power is required to maintain the desired rpm. Therefore, while a helicopter is affected like a conventional airplane by lift, thrust, gravity and drag, its flight behavior induces certain effects. addition.

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In a helicopter, the amount of lift and force generated by the rotor is directly proportional to its plane of rotation. When a helicopter descends in a windless state, the plane of rotation of the rotor (the plane of the trailing edge) is parallel to the ground, and the total weight and drag force are balanced. in the amount of injection and lifting force. . In the plane above, the components of weight and drag are combined into a single vector directed directly downward; the lift and thrust components are combined into a single vector that is directed vertically upwards. To achieve forward flight in a helicopter, the plane of rotation of the rotor is moving forward. (It should be understood that the helicopter rotor pole does not rotate but the individual rotor blades in the plane of rotation have a difference in the height of the pitch.) For the plane in the direction, the plane of rotation of the rotor is used in the desired direction. For return, the plane of rotation of the rotor is tilted backwards.

As the rotor is powered, there is an equal and opposite reaction, which seems to change the fuselage in a direction opposite to the rotor. This torque is compensated by the tail rotor (antitorque rotor) located at the end of the fuselage. The pilot controls the pitch of the tail rotor through the foot pedals, which reduces power when needed.

There are other forces at work on a helicopter that are not found in a normal airplane. These include the effect of rotor gyroscopic precession—that is, the lift asymmetry created by the forward movement of the helicopter, causing the blade to lift more and four reduce the retreat. This happens because the forward blade has the combined speed of the blade and the speed of the helicopter in forward flight, while the backward blade has the difference between the blade speed and helicopter speed. This difference in speed causes a difference in lift - the forward blade is moving faster and creates more lift. If not controlled, it will cause the helicopter to spin. However, the difference in lift is compensated for by the pitch angle and the pitch angle. Since the blades are attached to the rotor hub through horizontal hinges, which allow them to move in an upward plane, the forward blade is thrown up, reducing the angle of attack him, but the blade bounces back down, increasing his attack angle. This combination of experiences equals uplifting. (The blades are also attached to the frame by means of a top bolt, which allows each blade to move back and forth in the plane of rotation. The top bolt reduces vibration and damping has the effect of acceleration or deceleration.) In addition, in the forward plane , the position of the cyclic pitch control causes a similar effect, which contributes to the uniformity of the lift.

Aircraft Rotor

Other forces acting on helicopters include koning, the upward bending effect on the blades caused by centrifugal force; Coriolis effect, the acceleration or deceleration of the blade is caused by the reciprocating motion that causes it to move closer to (accelerate) or away from (decelerate) a) the axis of rotation; and drift, the thrust of the tail rotor that moves the helicopter in a hover. On a helicopter, the main rotor or rotor system is the combination of several rotor blades (rotor blades) with a control system, which produces. the aerodynamic lift force that supports the weight of the helicopter, and the thrust that resists the aerodynamic drag on the forward plane. Each main rotor is mounted on a horizontal pole on the helicopter, unlike the helicopter tail rotor, which is connected by through the combination of the vehicle(s) and the box on the tail. The height of the blade is usually controlled by the pilot using the helicopter's flight controls. Helicopter is one example of a rotorcraft. The name comes from the Greek words helix, helik-, which means spiral; and pteron means wing. Amewi 25312 Afx4 Single Rotor 4 Channel 6g 2.4ghz Rc Helicopter Rtf, Black/orange

The helicopter rotor is powered by the engine, through the transmission, in the rotating mast. A steel plate is a steel plate that expands upon—and is driven by—the transmission. At the top of the pole there is the attachment (called the Jesus nut) for the rotor blades called the hub. The blades of the rotor are attached to the system, and the drag of the blade can be 10-20 times.

Main rotor designs are classified based on the main rotor blade configuration and operated based on the main rotor application. There are three basic classifications: rigid, semirigid, and fully articulated, although some modern systems use a combination of these classifications. The rotor is an efficient rotating machine, and different sensitivity adjustments reduce vibration at different speeds.

Unlike the smaller ones used in turbofan aircraft, the main rotor on a helicopter has a large diameter that allows it to accelerate a large volume of air. This allows the washing speed to be reduced for a larger dose. Since it is better at low speed to accelerate a lot of air with a small degree than a small part of air with a large degree,

Low disk loading (placed in the disk section) greatly increases the power of the aircraft, which reduces the use of fuel and allows the appropriate size.

Tilt Rotors, Pusher Helicopters Coming To Civilian Sector

The third lgth in the rotor blade has little contribution to lift

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